Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Be the Mission

This incredible article was posted on our adoption agency's blog and I wanted you to be blessed by its impact! God can do amazing things if we will only surrender our lives to His will and for His glory!

Be the Mission


In 1982, Mother Theresa was asked to come and help rebuild a children' hospital and orphanage in war-stricken Beirut. After convincing the Israeli army and Palestinian guerrillas to temporarily cease fire, she agreed. When her plane arrived, the heads of government and thousands of people showed up to see her and her entourage begin their mission. They'd expected Mother Theresa to bring an army of volunteers, equipment, and supplies to rebuild the war ravaged area. They'd organized dozens of vehicles and security personnel to escort Mother Theresa and her crew to the hospital. Instead, to everyone's surprise, she walked off the plane alone. She met the heads of government and immediately asked them to bring her to the site where the children were being kept.

When she arrived, 37 wounded and mentally handicapped children lay in a tent near the ruins of their former orphanage and hospital. With a crowd of hundreds looking on, Mother Theresa ran up to one of the children, held him in her arms, and began praying and rocking the child back and forth.

After 10 minutes, a weeping woman ran up to Mother Theresa and told her that she would bring the child into her family and raise it as her own. Mother Theresa then ran to the next child and did the same thing. Within an hour and a half, ALL of the children had been adopted into loving homes. She had done what she went there to do. She was driven back to the airport, and within 3 hours of her arrival, she departed having rebuilt that community. We all know Mother Theresa for being a woman who was on a mission. What we need to understand is that she WAS the mission. She lived by being an example to us all.

Two women and adoptive AWA moms were this mission to us in 2008. Cristie Martine and Sara Jackson gallantly took on the mission to hold Orphan's Ticket Home fundraisers in their community and with their help, an Orphan's Ticket Home raised about $50,000.00 to help bring more orphans home! Cristie and Sara and their husbands weren't content to just hear the statistics of orphans in the world. Not only did they decide to adopt, but they wanted to help more...they wanted to help the millions. With their support, we hope to "bring home" more than 5000 orphans. Will you also be this mission to us? We need your help. We are looking for other adoptive moms and dads willing to hold fundraisers in their communities to help the orphans. If you will be this mission to An Orphan's Ticket Home, please contact Amanda Lawrence at