Sunday, January 30, 2011

Before and After....


We are a few days short of 3 weeks since surgery so I thought I would post a few pics of Olivia before and after her revision. She has done really well and we are impressed with Dr. Lim's work! He said her lip is a bit thick right now but she will grow into it!.... better to leave it a bit full (eat your heart out, Angelina) than to add back later...ha! Next surgery hurdle is about 5 years away! Whew! Thanks again for all of the prayerful support! God is so very good...

Mouth full of "itches" at one week

......and 18 days out!......

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Surgery went well! We checked in about 6:15, saw all of the specialists and they took her back about 8:45. She went willingly...of course, the anesthesiologist gave her his stethoscope and the other made her a rooster out of a blue surgical glove. Her old tubes were removed and new ones placed first. Then the lip work began. They were calling us back about 1:00 because she was waking up and NOT happy. She was wanting us and calmed down once we were there with her. I have to say, she was very swollen! Still is today, but we do see improvement. She doesn't seem too sore and is pretty good about leaving the wound alone. I'll upload a photo soon for those who are not faint of does look uncomfortable! Don't be fooled though, our little rough and tumble girl has been on the move!! And I thought we were getting a little "girlie-girl"...hmmm. Anyway, we are trying to keep her from jumping off of too many chairs and slow the running to at least a jog : )! Oh to have that energy!!! Thanks for all of your prayers!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Olivia is the first one on the schedule for surgery tomorrow. Dr. Lim is going to revise her lip and remove some of the heavy scarring under her nose. Also Dr. Gessler will put in another set of ear tubes as Olivia has out grown her last set : ). She weighed a whopping 33 pounds and was 37 inches tall! Yeah!!

Please pray that all goes well...we hope to be home by noon!
Thanks! Update to follow....

On a lighter note, I walked into the dining room to find a pile of clothes on the floor and Olivia---buck naked---behind the dining room curtain. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Taking a shower!" was her reply. Duh...of course!!


I know...I I am really bad at blogging!! How do you begin to catch up on 5...yes, 5 whole months!! Let's see....

beginning of the school year
ten birthdays
30th Wedding anniversary
the biggest snowfall in recent history to our area
Happy New Year

and many assorted un-birthday events...WOW!

Here are a few random photos....